kind create cluster --image kindest/node:v1.21.1
This node version could lead to error `ERROR: failed to create cluster: could not find a log line that matches “Reached target .Multi-User System.|detected cgroup v1”
→ using newer version kindest/node:v1.28.0
helm sẽ có các namespace khác nhau, muốn delete release nào thì cần chỉ rõ release đó ở namspace nào
kubectl exec -it --namespace=$NAMESPACE example-release-worker-0 -- bash
get in worker container in k8s
kubectl create secret generic airflow-ssh-secret --from-file=gitSshKey=
Users/marclamberti/.ssh/id_rsa -n airflow
Restart deployment
kubectl rollout restart -n airflow deployment airflow-scheduler
kubectl logs airflow-scheduler-778598df59-xmjwf -c git-sync-init -n airflow